[Announcement] New Project


New project starting October 2014

As previously announced, Sylph said there would be a new project starting in their December issue, which will be released Oct. 22, 2014. This project has now been revealed to be a comic version of the new Durarara!! game, Durarara!! Relay. The artist will be Fujiya Izuco, just like with 3 Way Standoff -Alley-. As such, soltarination scanlations will be picking up Relay, as well as finishing off the extras of 3 Way Standoff -Alley- and continuing scanlation of Minidura and various doujinshi. Please look forward to it!

Durarara!! 3 Way Standoff -Alley- ~ Ch. 11

00Title: Durarara!! 3 Way Standoff -Alley-
11 – Epilogue
: Fujiya Izuco & Ryohgo Narita
Rating: PG-13

Download: mediafire | jumpshare

Comments: Here is the epilogue! The tankoubon will be coming out October 22, so there will be extras around that time. There also seems to be a new comic version of something starting Sylph that day too, but it’s unclear if it’s Durarara!! related yet.


Yomotsuhirasaka Kimi to Koe – I Will Cross Yomotsu Hirasaka With You

yomotsuwebTitle: Yomotsuhirasaka Kimi to Koe – I Will Cross Yomotsu Hirasaka With You
Series: Durarara!!
Circle: pataratonge_car
Rating: R15
Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya
Scans: ebil_trio

Download: ge.tt | mediafire

This is Book 3 of 4 of the Big Talk series. I have been granted permission to link to downloads for the other parts as well.

Book 1, A, Taigensougo De Sora Ga Ochi – Translated by jiayan download here
Book 1, B, Taigensougo  De Sora Ga Ochi, Ke – Translated by you_ni download here

Book 2 can be downloaded here.

Book 4, Rakurakurairai Hi Ga Noboru – The Sun Continues to Rise – translated by gloomy gloo scanlations download here

There is a side story, Good-bye Blue Bird, told from Izaya’s point of view which will be next.

Ryuugenhigo De Umi Ga Ware – Wild Rumors Divide the Sea

ryuugenwebTitle: Ryuugenhigo De Umi Ga Ware – Wild Rumors Divide the Sea
Series: Durarara!!
Circle: pataratonge_car
Rating: R18
Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya
Scans: ebil_trio

Download: ge.tt | mediafire

This is Book 2 out of 4 of the Big Talk series. I have been granted permission to link to downloads for the other parts as well. Thank you to ebil_trio for the scans and help!

Book 1 [A and B], called Taigensougo De Sora Ga Ochi and Taigensougo  De Sora Ga Ochi, Ke, were kindly translated by jiayan and you_ni respectively.
Book 1, A – Translated by jiayan download here
Book 1, B – Translated by you_ni download here

The 4th book in the series, Rakurakurairai Hi Ga Noboru – The Sun Continues to Rise, was kindly translated by gloomy_gloo scanlations.
Book 4 – translated by gloomy gloo scanlations download here

I will be releasing Book 3 shortly so you can read the whole series.

On a final note, this is a reminder not re-upload these scanlations ANYWHERE without permission. I don’t mind simple screenshots, or page samples here and there, or links back to here, but I do not want the full scanlations found anywhere else please.